Global Configuration
The pinia-plugin-state-persistence
accepts a global configuration object passed to createStatePersistence
with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | Key used as a prefix for all store keys when persisting data. Defaults to the store’s ID if not provided at the store level. This is a global configuration property. |
debug | boolean | Enables logging for debugging purposes. Defaults to false . |
overwrite | boolean | Whether to overwrite the store state on $restore. Defaults to false . |
clientOnly | boolean | Determines if storage operations should be restricted to the client environment only. Defaults to false. |
storage | Storage | AsyncStorage | Storage mechanism for persisting data. Supports synchronous (e.g., localStorage ) and asynchronous options (e.g., localForage ). |
filter | (mutation, state) => boolean | Filters which mutations trigger persistence. |
serialize | (state) => string | Custom function for serializing the state. |
deserialize | (state: string) => Partial<S> | Custom function for deserializing the state. |
deepCopy | boolean | Ensure a deep copy of the state by serializing and deserializing. Store the state as an object while avoiding issues with unsupported values like functions or circular references. |
Global Configuration Default Behavior
If no global options are provided, the plugin uses the following defaults:
import { createStatePersistence } from 'pinia-plugin-state-persistence'
key: '', // Acts as a prefix for all store keys when persisting data
debug: false, // Debugging disabled
overwrite: false, // Do not overwrite existing state
storage: localStorage, // Use localStorage by default
serialize: JSON.stringify, // Default serialization
deserialize: JSON.parse, // Default deserialization
deepCopy: false, // Default deepCopy
Store Configuration
For configuring individual stores, refer to the PersistOptions
documentation, which outlines properties for store-level customization.